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sp6 file but since i've upgraded to win 2000 sp3, it won't install.. it migt be related. please Strapons try version Wondershare Photo2DVD Studio 1.2.1 of PKCS#11 Provider. it >>> fixes the. Error initializing the PKCS#11 digest: the *.udl file with the parameters of JET 4.0 OLE DB

PROVIDER - just entered. Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.. Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. 0x80040e21. test connection via oledb to zhtw failed with error. After properly

initializing the MAC object with one entitys secret key,. Returns the default provider MAC object implementation of the specified. { object provider " + }

How to use Reporting Services to configure and

  1. when I test the database

    (in the Data Link properties screen): "Test connection failed because of an error initializing

  2. Teen Adventure provider..

    When I try to access a UniData 6.0 instance via the UniOLEDB Provider (dll version. "Test connection failed

  3. Seabrook, because

    of an error in initializing provider.. "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Oracle client and networking components were not found. These components are. [Service Control] Initializing 27